

Natural vs. Artificial Light in Photography Light is an essential element in photography. The type of light you use can greatly affect the outcome of your photograph. Good light can elevate you...


ONLINE PHOTOGRAPHY COURSES Learn Photography Properly The Compelling Image provides low-cost online photography courses that are accredited and flexible enough for students ...


Photography Lighting Setups Explained: A Beginner’s Guide Light is everything in photography. It might be a cliché, but without light, there would be no image! Sometimes, you’re dependent on nat...


Infrared vs Radio vs Hybrid Flash If you have a DSLR, you have three ways to trigger flash units wirelessly: via infrared, radio or a hybrid method that involves both infrared and rad...


Three Common Elements of a Good Photo There are three common factors among successful photos, which should be no surprise. Do I need to use the correct aperture, exposure, and focusing di...


7 Lens Flare Tips for Creative Photos Using lens flare in your photos can enhance their visual appeal, just like adding a special ingredient can elevate the taste of a dish. Lens flare re...

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